A Report from the Bandstand
The band were very pleased to perform at Sevenoaks Vine bandstand on Sunday the 31st of July. Although fairly local to the band, being only half hour drive for most members, it was the first time the band had played at the venue.
We had been booked as part of a series of summer concerts at the the Vine bandstand which had included a number of other brass, jazz and wind bands.
Despite some gloomy weather forecasts, the day remained very sunny and both Cricket spectators and concert goers enjoyed the two 45 minute sessions. Highlights of which included rather fine performances from the band’s soloists. Click on the video to the left to hear a beautiful solo from Vicky.
Programme Details
First Half
Castell Coch, Napoli (Cornet Soloist : Richard Warren), The Barber of Seville, Serenade,
Teddy Bears Picnic (Tuba Soloist : Geoff Collins), Haven’t Met You Yet,
A Little Prayer, Cealidh (Euphonium Soloist : David Newsom), Wade in the Water
Second Half
I Got Rhythm, Don’t it Make My Brown Eyes Blue (Cornet Soloist : Vicky Mace), Bohemian Rhapsody, Feelin Good (Trombone Soloist : Colin Batt), One Day in Your Life (Horn Soloist : Alan Smithers), L’il Darlin, Be Still for the Presence of the Lord, Let There be Praise