Megan Shields
Bass (2019-2023)
Megan is originally from the state of Arkansas. She started playing for West Fork Public School at the age of 10 on trombone because according to the band director, she had long enough arms for it. She switched to a valve instrument as soon as possible and played Euphonium (marching Baritone during marching band season), before being switched to the concert Bb tuba as she was tall enough to reach the mouthpiece with out needing several cushions on her chair. Playing the concert Bb tuba led to playing sousaphone during marching season. The Bb tuba/sousaphone trend continued for the rest of her band career in the USA.
Megan moved to the UK in 2016 and started playing for CTB in 2019, that was her first exposure to brass bands. She was quickly taken in by their camaraderie and band members family attitude, which sealed the deal for her joining as a full member. Somehow, she has also been conned into serving on the CTB committee.
A quote from Megan
"The causes CTB supports, the general attitude of the players and the musicality of the group is second to none in the Kent area. CTB has made a huge difference for
me socially, mentally, and even physically. They have become a second family to me, as someone who is very far from her roots, it is nice to have that consistency within CTB and know that most
everyone there is just a phone call away if you need them. If you are in the area and want to join a brass band family, come visit us at Cranbrook Town Band.”
me socially, mentally, and even physically. They have become a second family to me, as someone who is very far from her roots, it is nice to have that consistency within CTB and know that most
everyone there is just a phone call away if you need them. If you are in the area and want to join a brass band family, come visit us at Cranbrook Town Band.”